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What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is God’s word given by divine inspiration. We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, died, and rose again, in order to pay the penalty for our sins. We believe we can have forgiveness and eternal life by personally asking Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. We believe it is our privilege to share the love and good news of Jesus with everyone in our community and the world. Westside Community Church is an Evangelical Christian church that holds to the clear and historic teachings of the Bible.

Our Mission

The mission of Westside Community Church is to glorify God by joining God’s Spirit in Loving all Peoples, Telling them the good news of God’s salvation, and Developing them into obedient followers of the Lord Jesus Christ equipped to minister through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We envision ourselves as a world impacting church for Jesus Christ.

We would love for you to share our vision with us!

White Pillars

Vision: The 7 Pillars

Read below for our vision as a church and the seven pillars!

Click the button below to view our governing documents


We envision our church as a place that loves God and shows that same love to everyone we meet!...



We see an exciting growing church that is always reaching out to our community for Jesus in new ways. A church united under the Lordship of Christ and serving him without dissension or division. A church empowered by the Holy Spirit as we share the good news of Christ and multitudes of people are born again. A friendly church with a relaxed atmosphere, inspirational contemporary Christian music, and Bible teaching which is challenging and deep, yet practical and understandable. Where pre-Christians will feel comfortable attending, yet without compromising the truth about sin and God’s holy word.  People will be healed of broken lives, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and become followers of Jesus.  They are discipled by mature Christians who will want to come and humbly serve, sacrifice, continue to grow, and help lead the new Christians in their exciting new life.

We envision a church where people of various races, and cultures, can worship God together in unity and purpose...


A church that reflects the unique blend of cultures in the El Paso/ Juarez community. Whether an El Pasoan for generations or just arrived, we want people to feel at home in our church. A church which reaches out to new people who relocate to El Paso from all over the United States, Mexico, and Latin America, internationals from around the world including Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and every corner of the globe.   Ft Bliss, various federal agencies, and people connected with the twin plants in Juarez, “snow birds’ and retirees to the “sun belt” all help make El Paso so special. We want our church to be a family for these people even if they only live here a brief time and then relocate as we disciple them to go spread the gospel around the world. 



We envision a healthy growing church with at least 300 committed followers in the English service and 300 in the Español service, and if God wills a third service with another 300 or more people...


We envision at least 15 care groups led by lay leaders, who will shepherd and nurture the groups. A powerful, dynamic Spanish speaking service and congregation to reach our vibrant hispanic community. A financially strong debt free church where people tithe and give sacrificially. Where people are taught the powerful eternal truth of God from the Bible. A church which does not compromise and give in to the changing standards of society but strives to live up to the eternal standards of God. A church of disciple makers who will nurture new Christians to maturity, and train them to disciple others, and start ministries that will impact all of El Paso and even the world.

We envision a church that loves, nurtures, and empowers people to overcome the attacks of Satan in a fallen world...


A church that develops each person into a prayer warrior. A church where we never have less than 100 people at least one night a week praying together. Where both young and older couples can strengthen their marriages under Christ and our families live out true biblical principles.  Where singles, are welcomed, cherished, and challenged to live in purity as they serve the body of Christ. Where seniors are loved, respected, and continue to lead and serve. Where all parents, including single moms and dads are helped to raise their children in a God centered home.  We see dynamic children’s ministries from infants through grade school with every classroom full. A powerful youth ministry where our youth center is filled to capacity with teens from every high school and middle school in west El Paso, New Mexico, and beyond. We see teens and college students equipped to live victoriously for Christ no matter what temptation they encounter as they serve and become future leaders in the church body.



We envision a church where every room, indeed every inch of our property is used to glorify God and serve our community in unique and powerful ministries...


We envision a professional counseling ministry, A food and clothes pantry, Café where everyone can eat, community garden,  pregnancy center to save babies  and win people to Christ, a safe room for abused children, a place for missionaries to stay while visiting, a beautiful sanctuary and venue for worship, Christian music concerts, evangelists and speakers.  We see classes for adult education, home school children, Head Start for preschoolers, a Bible college, youth for Christ,  well-maintained gymnasium and playground that attracts people to our church; whatever ministry God sends our way, and our facilities will allow.

We envision a church that supports various ministries, and missionaries, both local, regional and international...


We see a church where missionaries and other churches from all over the world can come to plan for work in Mexico and around the globe. A church where we organize both short and long-term mission trips.  From orphanages, medical clinics, the homeless, prisons, whatever opportunity, we want to touch the world for Christ.



We envision a church that will birth and plant many other churches here in El Paso and around the world.

We envision ourselves as a world impacting church for Jesus Christ. We would love for you to share our vision!

Westside Community Church

Office: 915-877-8000

Tuesday-Friday 9 AM-3 PM



201 E Sunset Rd

El Paso, TX 79922

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